Välkommen till Specialistkliniken Lidingö!
Entrén finns mitt på husets framsida och mottagningen är belägen 1,5 trappor upp på våning 2. Hiss finns från markplan via ingången nedom, till vänster om huvudentrén. Parkering finns framför och till vänster om byggnaden.
Boka tid

Welcome to Specialist Clinic Lidingö!
Under the same roof, we have gathered several specialist doctors and other skills.
As a private paying patient without a referral, you can meet our recognized skilled specialist doctors with long and solid experience in dermatology, gynecology, neurology and internal medicine/general medicine/osteology. Also meet our authorized skin therapist where, in addition to advanced skin care, laser treatments are also offered.
The entrance is in the middle of the front of the house and the reception is located 1.5 stairs up on floor 2. There is a lift from the ground floor via the entrance below, to the left of the main entrance. Parking is available in front and to the left of the building.